Federal Ministry of Health
WLP Production
What is Severe Acute Malnutrition?
What is acute malnutrition?
Acute malnutrition is a term used to cover both wasting and nutritional edema.
Acute malnutrition results from a decrease in food consumption
and/or illness, resulting in sudden weight loss
or, bilateral nutritional edema.
A child age six months to 18 years has severe acute malnutrition
if the following is present:
Mid-upper arms circumference
less than 11 centimeters,
or presence of pitting edema of both feet.
A child age less than six months
has severe acute malnutrition
if the following is present:
Visible severe wasting or
presence of pitting edema of both feet.
Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition in Out-patient Therapeutic Programme
Out-patient Therapeutic Programme
or OTP
is used to treat children
with severe acute malnutrition
at the community level.
To set up an OTP Programme,
you will need the following therapeutic products,
medicines, and equipment.
Ready to use therapeutic foods.
These are ready-to-use therapeutic foods
that do not require preparation by the mother or the caregiver.
They can be provided for the treatment of children
with severe acute malnutrition
on a weekly basis
at health-post level,
to be given for the children with severe acute malnutrition
on a daily basis, at home.
This is an antibiotic for treating infections.
Mebendazole 100 milligrams.
or Albendazole 400 milligrams.
Mebendazole tablets are given to children
for de-worming purposes.
Treatment against parasites
that compete for the child's nutritional intake
is critical for successful treatment
against malnutrition.
Folic acid.
Folic acid is an essential micronutrient
which helps to correct children's micornutrient status.
Vitamin A capsule.
Vitamin A is important
to boost the immune system
of malnurished children,
thereby increasing their capacity to fight diseases.
Measles vaccine.
Measles can be deadly for malnurished children.
Protecting them through vaccination
can save their lives.
Like with measles,
malnurished children have
an increased chance of dying
if they contract malaria.
It is therefore important to be prepared
to treat malaria if it does manifest itself.
Plastic cups and a jerry can filled with drinking water
should be available to last a month.
Children should be offered drinking water
when they are doing the appetite test
for ready-to-use therapeutic foods.
One salter scale, 25 kilograms,
plus pans or plastic basin for weighing children,
is also required.
You will need at least
two mid-upper arm circumference
or MUAC tapes
which you will use to measure
the mid-upper arm circumference of children,
who come to be screened,
and for follow-up.
Mid-upper arm circumference readings
are accurate indicators of severe malnutrition
in children between six months and five years old.
You will need a thermometer
for checking the temperature of children.
Children with fevers may require a referral
to a health center for in-patient treatment.
Jerry cans with water for hand-washing purposes.
You will also need a hand basin
and at least one bar of soap per month
to keep caretakers' hands clean
during appetite test.
Careproviders should be informed
to wash their hands before handling foods
that will be eaten by children.
It is also important that you have
a clean latrine
at the health post,
which can be used by children
and care-providers when they come to the weekly OTP.
Maintaining hygienic conditions
will protect children from contracting illnesses
like diarrhea,
which can be deadly for malnurished children.
Having a clean latrine at health post
is also important for education purposes
regarding hygiene.
You will also need stationery materials
for the OTP Programme.
Each health post should have
the OTP Quick Refernce Manual.
This manual is designed to provide guidelines
on each step of the OTP process
and should be used to check
on any procedures
that you may have questions about.
You will need OTP cards
which you will use to register and monitor
the progress of children
taking part in your Out-patient Treatment Programme.
The registration book will be required
where you will document children
who enter and leave the programme.
You will need referral slips
which you will use to refer patients
with medical complications
to therapeutic feeding units or in-patient units.
You will also need referral slips
which volunteer community health workers
will use to refer children
to the health post
or OTP.
Stock cards or supply register
is required to track
your use of supplies.
You'll have to make sure they are available
to adequate supplies
before the date of the weekly OTP.
Taking good care of your supplies
is critical for your Out-patient Therapeutic Programme.
Supplies should be placed in a cool and dry place.
Place items on pallets
and protect windows and doors against rodents.
Maintaining the cleanliness
of your working environment
and supply storage area
are critical factors for success.
In order to monitor the OTP properly,
you need to produce the timely monthly report
using the monthly therapeutic feeding programme report form.
You have to send the report
to the Woreda Health Office,
keeping a copy for the health post.
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