Hypertension, commonly known as High Blood Pressure.
Many don’t know they have it until disaster strikes,
like a stroke or a heart attack
that simple lifestyle changes could have prevented.
For those diagnosed with hypertension,
managing their blood pressure is often a challenge.
But it does not have to be!
AMICOMED is the first digital program in the world
that successfully helps people with high blood pressure
achieve the lifestyle changes that doctors recommend.
We do this with a personalized,
automated and fully scalable user experience
that delivers delightful motivational support
to help anyone master their Blood Pressure
Achieving your goals is easier than you can imagine
Coach: A personalized 3-months coaching program
that helps you achieve behavioural and lifestyle changes goals
Track: Blood pressure tracking and instant personalized feedback
Succeed: Goal setting, continuous feedback and customized insights on your progress.
See for yourself how fun and easy it can be to change your life
There is no better time than now! So download our AMICOMED app
or subscribe the program on our website and you will soon find out how easy it can be!
Amicomed: a new, simple and efficient lifestyle modification program
empowering people living with hypertension.
Amicomed Master your blood pressure!
As blood pressure varies with time, continue to measure regularly,
and never stop or lower any prescribed medications without your doctor’s approval.
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